Pro-Tool Kit

Raven® X 2 by Chazpro - Trick


198 reward points

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Two heads are better than one!

The new two headed Raven® (RX2) can quickly, smoothly, and visually switch one solid object for another, in addition to doing everything a Raven® can do.

The new RX2 expands your horizons and opens new doors!
And bends the keys that opens those doors!

Effect Examples:

RX2 Key Bender
A normal key is examined and spectators are invited to try and bend it. They cannot. A spectator places the key on the palm-up hand of the performer. The performer shows the front and back of his other hand, then gently slides it over the key, gives it a slow rub, then moves the hand away and the key is bent. And you are clean. (Included with the RX2 package.)

The following routines are explained only. The necessary props are either already owned, easily available in your area, or the special set of props is available separately from your favorite dealer or directly through us.

The performer explains that no one likes change. "We all throw our spare change into a drawer or jar because we don't want to carry it around. But I've found another way." He removes a handful of change from his pocket, removes and pockets a few coins, leaving 5 pennies and a nickel in his hand. He shows his other hand empty, then places his hands together and squeezes the coins into a single dime that can be examined. You are clean at the end.

Bubble DeGummed
The performer removes the chewed gum from his mouth, placing it in the old wrapper, then rolls it into a ball and places it on his palm-up hand. He waves his other hand over the used gum and it transforms into a new, square, unopened piece of bubble gum! You are clean at the end. 

The Raven® Midas Coins
The performer has an ordinary quarter examined and placed on his palm-up hand. He shows his other hand front and back, then rubs it over the coin...his touch changes the coin to gold! The gold coin can be examined, then pocketed, changed back or, for big clients, give the gold plated quarter to him or her! You are clean at the end. 

RX2 $100 Bill Switch
A one dollar bill changes to a $100 dollar bill in an impossible manner. You are clean at the end. Slicker method than what was possible with the standard Raven®. 

Switching Brands
A bottle cap is shown and the performer explains that it is his favorite brand. We places it on his hand, shows his other hand empty, the rubs his hands together, changing the brand of cap. You are clean at the end. 

Coin Change
The performer places a half dollar on his palm-up hand, shows his other hand front and back, then moves his hand over the half dollar and it changes to two quarters! You are clean at the end. 

Also included
is a brief explanation of the "Empty Hand Move" that origianlly appeared on the Raven® Video and DVD.

The RX2 instructions explain, with photo illustrations, a new, lightning fast way to bring your Raven®, Reel Raven®, Universal Raven® or RX2 into play, quickly and easily. This new method for handling the Loop will be appreciated by all.

  • Model: RAVENX2
  • Shipping Weight: 0.28Kgs
  • Manufactured by: Chazpro Magic & Collectibles

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Pro-Tool Kit