Magic Attic->
Magic Shop->
|_ Allied Arts
|_ Bizzare, Haunted
|_ Book
|_ Card Flourish
|_ Card Magic2
|_ Card Trick
|_ Close Up
|_ Coin
|_ Collectable
|_ Comedy
|_ Cups and Balls
|_ Custom Designed Decks
|_ DVD
|_ Escapes, Stunts
|_ Gambling
|_ Gifts
|_ Halloween
|_ History
|_ Illusion
|_ Kids Show
|_ Magic Kits
|_ Mentalism2
|_ Miscellaneous
|_ Money Magic2
|_ One Time Use
|_ Other
|_ Paper
|_ Parlor, Stage
|_ Parlor, Stage, Illusion
|_ Playing Card
|_ Refills
|_ Rope
|_ Seasonal
|_ Silk
|_ Sponge
|_ Standard
|_ Staples
|_ Staples, Refills, One Time Use
|_ Street
|_ Table, Cases, Mats
|_ Theory, Stage Craft
|_ Trick
|_ Trick Deck
|_ Walk Around
|_ Wallet
|_ Accessories->
|_ Allied Arts
|_ Ballooning
|_ Beginners/Pocket Money Magic
|_ Bizzare, Haunted
|_ Black Label
|_ Book
|_ Books
|_ Busking
|_ Card Flourish
|_ Card Magic
|_ Card Magic and Trick Decks
|_ Card Magic Shop->
|_ Card Magic2
|_ Card Trick
|_ Childrens Shows
|_ Christmas
|_ Christmas Themed
|_ Close Up
|_ Close Up Performer
|_ Close-Up Magic
|_ Coin
|_ Coin
|_ Collectable
|_ Collectable
|_ Collectable, Gifts
|_ Comedy
|_ Comedy Performer
|_ Cups and Balls
|_ Custom Designed Decks
|_ Decks (Custom, Standard)
|_ Downloads
|_ DVD
|_ DVD's
|_ Escape Performer
|_ Escapes, Stunts
|_ Escapology
|_ Event Tickets
|_ Fire Magic
|_ Fire, Fire Eating
|_ Gambling
|_ Gambling Performer
|_ General Magic
|_ Gifts
|_ Halloween
|_ Halloween Themed
|_ History
|_ Hypnosis
|_ Illusion
|_ Illusionist
|_ Jerry O'Connell
|_ Juggling
|_ Juggling Performer
|_ Kids Show
|_ Kids Show and Balloon Performer
|_ Lectures and Conventions
|_ Limited Edition
|_ Magazines
|_ Magic Box Sets
|_ Magic Kits
|_ Manufacturers->
|_ Mentalism
|_ Mentalism2
|_ Miscellaneous
|_ Money Magic
|_ Money Magic2
|_ One Time Use
|_ Other
|_ Paper
|_ Parlor Performer
|_ Parlor, Stage
|_ Parlor, Stage, Illusion
|_ Playing Card
|_ Playing Cards
|_ Playing Magic Shop->
|_ Posters
|_ Posters, Gifts and Collectables
|_ Refills
|_ Religious
|_ Religious and Gospel Performer
|_ Rope
|_ Rope Magic
|_ Seasonal
|_ Second Hand Items
|_ Silk
|_ Silk and Silk Magic
|_ Sponge
|_ Sponge and Sponge Magic
|_ Stage / Parlor Performer
|_ Stage Magic
|_ Standard
|_ Standard
|_ Staples
|_ Staples, Refills, One Time Use
|_ Street
|_ Street
|_ Street Performer
|_ Table, Cases, Mats
|_ Tables - Roll On Off Boxes
|_ Tables and Cases
|_ Theory, History
|_ Theory, History and Business
|_ Theory, Stage Craft
|_ Toy Magic (Toy, Kits, Puzzles)
|_ Trick
|_ Trick
|_ Trick Deck
|_ Utility
|_ Vendor Part
|_ Walk Around
|_ Walk Around
|_ Walk Around Performer
|_ Wallet
Costume Shop->
Circus Shop->
Balloon Shop->
Joke Shop->
Gadget Shop->
Party Shop->
Puppet Shop
Face Painting Shop->
Halloween Shop
Poster Shop
Gift Vouchers
Postage Options
Specials ...
New Products ...
All Products ...

Kids Show and Balloon Performer
Displaying 1 to 9 (of 103 products)
 Have you ever wanted to pull a seemingly unending amount of steel from your mouth? One that keeps going and going? 90ft Mouth Coil is a new... £10.95 Min: 0 Units: 0 |
 Have you ever wanted to pull a seemingly unending amount of steel from your mouth? One that keeps going and going? 90ft Mouth Coil is a new... £10.95 Min: 0 Units: 0 |
 This is a very magical and ingenious way of revealing a selected card - it maintains the audience's interest throughout, building suspense until the... £49.95 Min: 0 Units: 0 |
| | |
 You cleanly show you have one bottle and one empty tube. The tube is 100% completely empty! The bottle is placed on your hand and covered with the... £49.95 Min: 0 Units: 0 |
 The best new funny wand for your show. A gigantic inflatable wand that packs flat and inflates to 6 feet tall! (2 meters!) Your young child assistant... £47.00 Min: 0 Units: 0 |
 Coins. Glitter. Salt. Milk. Juice. M&M's. You can make so many things appear when you perform AmazeCups . You show three small cups, one at a... £24.95 Min: 0 Units: 0 |
| | |
 A collection of kids' favorite animals! Imagine a magical piece of folding paper that gets really, really big... it's filled with colorful cartoon... £39.95 Min: 0 Units: 0 |
 Do you enjoy visual magic that causes your audience to scream out loud? Well, listen to THIS! The magician shows an empty paper bag. Next, he reaches... £65.00 Min: 0 Units: 0 |
 The magician shows an empty cage to the audience. He then opens it and places one or two doves in it. After a magical gesture, he takes the cage out... £250.00 Min: 0 Units: 0 |
Displaying 1 to 9 (of 103 products)
New Products For February - Magic Shop
The Magic Attic Bestsellers