Pro-Tool Kit

Theory, Stage Craft

Anatomy of Misdirection by Joseph Bruno - Book

Anatomy of Misdirection by Joseph Bruno - Book

The Anatomy of Misdirection divides the art of misdirection into fifteen basic principles. The principles are presented in an easy to read manner,...


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Card Magic by Richard Kaufman - Book

Card Magic by Richard Kaufman - Book

Lying in a dark undisturbed drawer for decades lay Harry Houdini's copy of THE DISCOVERIE OF WITCHCRAFT, a book written by Reginald Scot in 1584. It...


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The Art of Refinement series (Volume 1) by Luna Shimada - DVD

The Art of Refinement series (Volume 1) by Luna Shimada - DVD

Welcome to The Art of Refinement series, The 3D process. Luna Shimada has been in the world of magic her whole life, born to world renowned master...


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The Sting By Bill Abbott