
Puppet Shop

Displaying 1 to 9 (of 10 products)
 This puppet has to be one our BEST newcomers!!! With access into both the mouth and front paws this large puppet is a joy to use. Very friendly and... £37.50 |
 A really fab puppet! Great royal character with shaggy mane. Access under tummy to movable head and mouth. Not Suitable for Children under 10 Months. £37.50 |
 What a cutey! Moveable mouth & head. Length: 43 cm £22.95 |
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 Fidibus bewitches everyone with his magicical cloak & his big wizard hat. Removable cloak. Access in back of head for movable mouth. Access in... £70.00 |
 One of the funniest puppets in the range! This donkey is a real character. He has an excellent large mouth movement with a lovely smile! Shrek fans... £33.50 |
 Like the Donkey, this is a crazy looking horse! With its large eyes, it is great for stage work or making an impact. Access into head and mouth.... £31.95 |
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 Not as fierce as he looks! This has got to be one of the best characters we have added to our range this year! Wonderful mouth movement and loads of... £33.50 |
 A fantastic puppet with a beautiful coat - "What a Mess" would be envious! With a happy-go-lucky expression, this dog has access into the mouth which... £37.50 |
 With no effort at all a rabbit comes alive and will enchant your audience at any event. An audience expects every magician to produce a Rabbit from... £15.00 |
Displaying 1 to 9 (of 10 products)
New Products For February - Puppet Shop
The Magic Attic Bestsellers